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Regal Flames “Queen of Heart” Cymbidium Orchid - Mainaam Garden

Regal Flames “Queen of Heart” Cymbidium Orchid

Regal Flames “Queen of Heart” Cymbidium Orchid

Cymbidium Regal Flames is an orchid hybrid originated by world-famous Cymbidium breeder Gordon Giles in 2010. It won the Grand Champion award during the 2016 national orchid extravaganza held at Dural, Australia which is one of the grandest orchid events in the world. This Cymbidium orchid has been grown organically in Mainaam Garden, Sikkim, the only place in the world for organic cultivation of Cymbidiums. The natural climate suits the growing of Cymbidiums leading to optimal growth of the plants.

Cymbidium orchid history

The plants are found in the wild throughout the Himalayas, China, Japan and also Australia. However, the plants that we see on sale today are the result of decades of careful breeding by breeders across the world. Evidence suggests it was one of the earliest orchids to be grown in China 2500 years ago in the time of Confucius. He praised the fragrance and beauty of Cymbidium. He called this orchid Lanhua, the character used in Chinese calligraphy for grace, elegance and purity.

During the Song Dynasty(960-1279) Cymbidium was in the Zen painting as a particularly sought-after motif. The oldest monograph on orchids in gardens and parks was written by Choa Shinkong titled Xin Chäng Lån PU around 1233. Since the time of Confucius, it has held its status of luxury and elegance across the world until today.

Shop our beautiful organic cymbidium orchids here.

पिछला लेख How to get your cymbidium orchids to flower again at home?
अगला लेख How to take care of orchids ?


Anil Adikari - जनवरी 22, 2021

I have also nursery in nepal& wanna purchase in holesale rate for your products

Suvarna Keshav - दिसंबर 1, 2020

Are these heat tolerant cymbidiums..can they grow in sunlight

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