Floribunda Roses
Floribunda roses grow into a bush shape up to 3 to 4 feet tall and feature an abundance of floras (flowers).
से ₹1,399.00| /Centenaire de Lourdes Rose | Floribunda Rose
Centenaire de Lourdes is a beautiful mass flowering floribunda rose with very good disease resistance. These roses are a blend of medium and lighte...
पूरा विवरण देखेंसे ₹1,399.00| /बिक्री -
से ₹1,199.00| /Alderley Park Rose I Floribunda Rose
From late spring to autumn, 'Alderley Park' is a bushy, growing, deciduous shrub with thorny stems carrying pinnate leaves with glossy, toothed, da...
पूरा विवरण देखेंसे ₹1,199.00| /बिक्री
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