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Plant of the week: Masdevallia Amabilis , Use "AMABILIS20" to Get 20% Off.
Planting a bare root rose

Planting A Bare Root Rose In A Pot | Unmistakable Tips

Bare root rose

The bare root rose with its union expose may seem a little awkward at first appearance but we know appearance could be deceiving. So it is absolutely fine if you did not feel the charm but soon you start potting the bare root following the tips mentioned below, you will see how an impression would change.

1. Choosing a pot

A pot with an internal dimension of at least 45*45 is recommended for growing a single rose, it allows adequate space for the rose to grow and has a depth and width to complement the growth of the bare root.

Check out Mainaam Pots to grow bare root rose


  • For growing 2 bare root roses in a single pot, we recommend you to go for a pot with an internal dimension of 60*60.
  • The next thing to remember is drainage holes, we must secure a pot that has adequate holes for water to sip through or else water logging would rot the root decaying the plant.
  • Strictly avoid using black pots or containers to grow bare root rose if you are living in a region where summer is intense. The clay pots are a proven accomplice for bare root rose because it allows a slow transfer of heat into the soil as compared to plastic pots.

2. Wait for an Ideal Season

An ideal time to pot a bare root rose lies anywhere between November and April. Given a situation the ground is not covered with a white sheet of snow or waterlogged, a bare root rose can be potted anytime.

3.  Prerequisite

gardening gloves

To ensure precise potting of the bare root rose we must be handy with tools like gardening gloves, multipurpose compost, well rotten farmyard manure, polystyrene or gravel, scoop, sharp pruning tools to trim off any damaged roots and a watering can.

4.  Site selection

When planting a bare root rose, be absolutely meticulous about the site, the location you are looking to establish must present itself before the warmth of the sun. The selected site if overwhelmed by full-day sunlight with a safe passage to bask a partial shade of the hot afternoons of summer then bare root rose will be under the best condition to bloom profusely. Besides that the site should not be too open to expose bare root rose against strong winds.  

The other important things to take care of while planting a bare root rose in a garden is the plant should not rest too close to a tall lanky tree rather let it bloom around companion plants like day lilies, daisy, violets, etc. and to control the pest to ensure healthy growth you can tag along with lavender, catmint, geraniums, marigolds, mint, etc.

Last but not the least, roses are allergic to waterlogged areas, a constant buildup of water around would encourage root rotting eventually killing the plant and the plantation site must remain free from dust accumulation.

5. Climatic condition

Bright sunny day


To fill your garden with a stunning bloom of rose, then set the bare root rose in an area receiving bright beams of the sun with a day temperature ranging between 20 to 25 degrees centigrade and a night temperature that does not drop below 16 degrees centigrade.

The humidity level should be moderate. The daytime or the humidity of 12 hours window in a daytime should not exceed above 60 to 70 %.

Explore Mainaam exotic collection of roses

6. Let’s get into an act

First step

First up let’s prepare the pot, meanwhile, let the bare root rose to sit in a bucket of water to absorb some moisture. If you are using terracotta or clay pots then soak them overnight. Your blocks of Styrofoam or polystyrene should go first at the base of the pot to create a proper drainage system. Now fill the pot with a mixture of multi-purpose compost and rotted farmyard manure with a scoop and while filling gently press the mixture to prevent any air pockets. Fill the pot till it’s halfway full before potting the bare root rose.

Second step

Positioning of the plant is equally important; it should be upright and well centered. Any difference in height between the rim and the union of the rose must be rectified. A union must always sit comfortably at least 2 inches below the rim of the pot.

Note: before potting your bare root rose must be allowed to rest in a bowl of water for at least 30 minutes for roots to soak and absorb.

Third step

Once you have placed your bare root perfectly at the center, continue filling it with a mixture of compost, farmyard manure and Mainaam potting soil mix till you reach the rim of the pot. Make sure the soil-filled is firm and once it is confirmed water the rose with the container allowing moisture to penetrate deep into the soil before setting it out to bask in the sun for a perfect bloom in June, July of the upcoming year.

Note: you must remember to frequently water the rose in pots to ensure the retention of moisture beneath.

Potting of bare root rose presents an opportunity to learn a different phase and process the rose actually see-through. So why not get our hands dirty and try parenting the beauty at our home, it would be a wonderful experience, a journey in fact or a flowering walks to remember.

 Also Read

 The Basics Of Growing Roses

10 amazing benefits of gardening


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Jayanthi JAYA - ஜனவரி 25, 2022

Very nice plant

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